
Welcome to the blog where I share my thoughts on homeschooling, faith, and health. If you spend any amount of time here, you’ll see lots of hands-on learning activities for homeschooling active kids, and hands-on ideas for homeschool co-ops. I hope everyone who comes to visit finds something helpful in their own homeschool and faith journey. I love researching all the things and hope that something I’ve picked up along the way will in some way inspire and encourage you.

How to Host a Fun, Hands-On Homeschool Co-op on Germs! (that will make your kids want to wash your hands) picture of microscopic germs
How to Develop Social-Emotional Skills in your Homeschool Co-op: Printables on Etsy for Homeschool Co-ops

If you’re looking for hands-on homeschool printables or homeschool co-op activities, check out my LifeandLogic Etsy shop!


  • 7 Ways to Teach Math Without Worksheets and Workbooks
    Does your kiddo balk at sitting in front of a math workbook? You know that they know how to do the math, but when in front of a workbook they all of a sudden turn ADD? This is my kiddo. And I don’t really blame him. There are a ton of fun ways to learn math, instead of just sitting in front of a boring workbook. For the child who hates math workbooks and worksheets, here are some hands-on activities that have helped us to make math more fun and exciting! Use Games! Who can say no to a game?! …
  • How to Host a Homeschool Co-op on Plant and Animal Cells: With Hands-on Slime Cell Models
    This article goes over how to host an awesome, hands-on homeschool co-op on plant and animal cells, microscopes, and the “micro-verse.” Learning about cells and microbiology, a whole other world that we can’t see with the naked eye, inspires a wonder of learning. I’m thrilled when I get to see the kids learning something new and they have a look of awe and amazement on their faces. Honestly, our homeschool co-op learning about cells was a little too much for the kindergarteners in our group, but was perfect for 7 to 9-year-olds. Ideal for grades 2-4, in my opinion. (Or if …
  • C.S. Lewis Quotes from “The Weight of Glory”
    The Weight of Glory is a compilation of sermons written by C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis was an intellectual giant of his time and is a beloved Christian apologist whose writings and arguments still ring true today. C.S. Lewis’s writing is worth sharing, so here are some of my favorite quotes from his book, The Weight of Glory. C.S. Lewis Quotes “For it must be true, as an old writer says, that he who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.” “The promise of glory is the promise, almost incredible and only possible by …
  • “Am I Doing Enough?” Thoughts Every Homeschool Parent Has
    Often, as a homeschool parent, we ask ourselves, “Am I doing enough?” We feel we need to be doing more, more, more! More hands-on activities, more classes, more life skills! Of course, thinking these thoughts cause one to pause and reflect: And there is certainly no one-size-fits-all answer. To help me figure this out, I decided to make a list of everything I remember learning (and retained!) from K-12. I went to a private school, and honestly, that list wasn’t very long. Try it! Make a list of everything you remember learning in school, and see how long it is. …
  • Relaxed Homeschooling versus Unschooling: Which is Better?
    I am certainly no expert in labels nor in homeschooling, but as far as labels go, I’d probably be in the “relaxed homeschooling” or “eclectic” mix it up category. I think a lot of us homeschoolers are in this category. And I imagine most homeschoolers follow some mix of various teaching methods and philosophies depending on their child’s needs, learning style, and personality. It seems that Unschooling is growing in popularity, with Unschoolers making up 10-20% of the homeschool community. Here is why we’ve chosen a Relaxed Homeschooling path versus Unschooling. Relaxed Homeschooling versus Unschooling: What’s the Difference? Unschooling is …